Strategy & Business Planning

Business Plan Components

A business plan is the cornerstone document for your organisation’s strategy. Download our comprehensive list of what to include, ensuring that you don’t miss any of the key components

Yearly Planner

Utilize our sample yearly planner, to ensure that you keep the key components of business planning ticking over throughout the year.

Budget Templates

Use our Annual Budget and Monthly Budget templates to categorize your income and expediture in a user-friendly manner, to help get you started with budgeting.

Smart Goals Tracker

Our Smart Goals Tracker guides you through goal definition step-by-step, evaluates whether your time allocation is aligned to desired objectives, and reviews your daily business activities.

SWOT Analysis Template

A SWOT Analysis assesses an organisation’s Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats, providing a multi-dimensional view of where your business is placed.

Pitch Deck Essentials

The right pitch deck construction is vital to ensuring your chances of success. Click to see our seven key items that all pitch decks should include…

Change Management

Change Management comes in various forms and is often a delicate point for organisations to navigate. The leader can steer the ship or lead it off-course. Casper has put together this useful guide on types of change and what the role of the leader should be.

Our workshops also provide in depth guidance on how organisations can navigate the various types of change.

Leadership Transition for Family Owned Businesses

For family owned businesses, transition can be a time of stress and anxiety. What are the things that can be done by the business owners to make the transition period smoother?

Corporate Communications Strategy

A well-crafted corporate communications strategy has a plethora of benefits, from fostering employee engagement, and building brand credibility, to helping navigate crises effectively. Click here to read the full list of 10 benefits.