Governance Resources

Governance Overview

Click to download our one-page guide to governance, and see the ways in which Casper can partner with you to bolster your organisation’s governance practices.

Role of the Board

Download our overview of the responsibilities of the Board of Directors, and Casper’s recommendations for implementing strong board-related governance structures.

Being the CFO of your business

Economic uncertainty, regulatory changes, nascent data analysis, limited succession planning can make a CFO's job challenging. Here are the metrics to monitor to keep tabs on the organisation's performance.

Operations Outsourcing

Casper has a transferable framework to aid service providers on the checks and balances required to take on Operations functions for clients. Click to download for free.

The Importance of Good Governance

Robust governance plays a crucial role in the success and sustainability of business. Read our ten reasons why growing companies need to focus on strengthening their governance

The Art of Escalation

Escalation protocols are central to an effective governance framework. Click here to discover the Why, When, Whom and How of escalation, and benchmark your organisation’s practices against this list.