Why Your People Management Capability Matters.

Image of a manager addressing their team

A question we are often asked about our coaching work is: ‘why focus on people managers?’
The short answer is because it doesn’t get the appreciation it warrants.
You wouldn’t expect someone to effectively carry out the role of a programmer / accountant / salesperson if they weren’t adept at coding / accountancy / sales. Then why do we expect people to be good managers if they’re not sufficiently skilled?
The manager role is generally an implicit one, inherited alongside the core components of the job description. Moreover, for many roles it is difficult to directly attribute proficiency in team management to the business performance that a manager delivers.
This results in people management often being viewed as something that “happens in the background”, and only gets airtime whenever an issue arises.
But the reality is that one can’t be an excellent manager by accident – like any role, necessary skills are techniques are required to be learned.
Furthermore, the biggest emotional driver of happiness at work is our relationships.

At Casper, our Signature Coaching Package within the People Development pillar is centred around helping people managers boost their team performance, enhance their personal credentials, and improve their emotional health through transforming their interactions with their team.


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